USCIS Processing Times

USCIS Data Confirms EB-5 Rural Project Promoters Are Not Delivering Fast Green Cards: Behring’s Analysis of FOIA Data

Government Data Reveals Reality for EB-5 Rural Project Processing Times The EB-5 visa program promises investors a path to U.S. residency, with many EB-5 rural project promoters claiming faster green card approvals due to "priority processing" and "reserved visas." However, the latest data reveals a different story. Only 125 EB-5 rural project investors, or 4.98%, ...

USCIS just killed EB-5 expedited processing, naturally

USCIS I-526 Processing Times Will Likely Drop to 6 Months. Recent analysis of USCIS processing data revealed that I-526 adjudication will accelerate significantly. Our best estimate is that an I-526 petition filed in March 2019 will need approximately 6 months for adjudication. Our analysis can be viewed in our recently published article below: EB-5 I-526

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