EB-5 Guarantees

What happens if there is an I-526 denial?

A lot of investors always ask "what happens if something goes wrong" or "what happens if I get denied".  Typically, the answer is that the Berkeley Regional Center has return provisions in our offering documents but I did find this article which may be interesting to those asking the same question. The source is from ...

EB-5 Project Requirements | Can EB-5 Projects Be Guaranteed?

EB-5 Project Requirements | Can EB-5 Projects be Guaranteed? EB-5 project requirements and EB-5 project guarantees are topics that I see the internet completely abuse time and time again. Every EB-5 investor wants to see their EB-5 project have guarantees. In exchange for cheap capital, they want low risk. MANY groups in the EB-5 world will immediately say ...
Consent Preferences