EB-5 Litigation

EB-5 Litigation Update Post #2: Biden’s Announced Immigration Priorities Gives Hope for Behring’s Push for a Revitalized EB-5 Program

Not wasting any time, on his first day as the 46th US President, Biden signed 17 Executive Orders and unveiled his priorities for immigration reform. Six orders addressed immigration. He immediately repealed the travel ban on majority-Muslim countries. He also halted construction of the border wall near the border with Mexico. Importantly, Biden announced proposed legislation to…

EB-5 Litigation Update Post #1: Behring challenges DHS authority to Enact EB-5 Modernization Rules

Behring argues, in part, that the EB-5 Modernization Rule is invalid because the purported heads of DHS and USCIS had not been duly appointed under the Presidential nomination and Senate consent process at the time they promulgated the Rule. The claim stems from the continued controversy at DHS and USCIS where a series of officials have taken on the positions only to resign later…   

EB-5 Litigation Updates Page

Behring Regional Center's EB-5 Litigation Updates   Get the latest updates straight from the source.  Welcome to Behring’s EB-5 Litigation Updates page. Here, we aim to provide EB-5 stakeholders frequent updates about Behring Regional Center’s litigation against the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and the Department of State (DOS), ...

Behring’s Lawsuit to Vacate the 2019 EB-5 Modernization Regulations

Welcome to Behring’s Lawsuit to Vacate 2019 EB-5 Modernization Regulations Page. Here, we aim to provide stakeholders in the EB-5 Program with the case background and updates on Behring’s lawsuit against the DHS, USCIS and DOS stemming from the adverse effects of their unilateral termination of the EB-5 Regional Center Program.  See all of the ...
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